Day of Reflection – 2022

The Queen’s Daughters gathered and joined in spiritual growth at our annual Day of Reflection. The Lighthouse at Epiphany Catholic Church is always a beautiful backdrop for this special day. Led by chair, Eileen Walsh, we listened to stories about women in the Bible and reflected on our Blessed Mother. We also collected personal hygiene items for Catholic Charities.

See some of our event photos below:

The Queen's Daughters at our annual Day of Reflection.

Day of Reflection chair, Eileen Walsh, leading the discussion.

We heard about Women in the Bible.

The Lighthouse at Epiphany Catholic Church in Anchorage is the perfect setting.

Linda Recktenwald told us about her sister’s adoption with the assistants from Queen’s Daughters at Our Lady’s Home for Infants.

Want in on the fun? Become a member of Queen’s Daughters!


General Meeting and Christmas Luncheon – 2022


Little Way Benefit– 2022